Eye flew
Eye flew is a disease related to an infection of the eyes, which is being seen in a large number of people nowadays, the continuous increase in the number of patients of eye flew is also a sign that it is not going to stop soon, today Through this episode, we will talk to you about the cause and prevention of this disease, so that awareness can be created among the people and they can avoid falling prey to it.
what is eye flew
Talking about common language, this disease is more known among people by the name of conjunctivitis, although its correct name is also known as conjunctivitis, pink eye or red eye, due to this disease there is a special type of infection in the eyes. Due to which things like swelling, pain etc. can be seen in the eyes of a person.
Symptoms of eye fly
In this disease, symptoms like swelling, watering, pain, itching start appearing in the eyes of the sick person, along with this dirt also starts coming from the eyes.
Causes of eye flew
Eye flue is mainly caused by viral conjunctivitis adeno, herpes, simples or mixovirus, but now due to the rainy season, the increased amount of moisture in the air and different types of bacteria and our food and pollution causes it.
Ways to avoid eye fly
In case of any kind of problem in the eyes, the doctor should be contacted with immediate effect, along with this, we need to be careful so that this disease does not happen, for this it is necessary that we take care of the following things-
1. Avoid touching eyes frequently
2. If water flows from your eyes, do not clean it by hand but with a clean cloth or with the help of a tissue paper.
3. As a precaution, it is important that we do eye irrigation at least two or three times a day in this humid season.
4 While going out, necessarily wear glasses, so that the pollution of the outside air or anything else does not reach your eyes.
5. If you want to clean your eyes with your hands, then it is necessary to clean your hands first with the help of a sanitizer.
6. Wash eyes 2 to 3 times daily with lukewarm water.
7. Do not go to the public palace unless necessary.
What precautions should be taken if someone gets eye flue?
Do not think of treating any kind of eye problem at home, rather consult a doctor about it.
Along with this, separate arrangements should be made to keep the patient so that this disease does not spread to the rest of the family.
Keep the patient's clothes separate for a few days.
Take care of the cleanliness of the patient, it is very important to take medicine and doctor's advice from time to time.
How does it spread?
Eye flea spreads only when it comes in direct contact, it is not a disease that spreads just by seeing the patient.
Like using the patient's clothes or coming in direct contact with him in any other way.
This disease can happen to a person of any age, even if he is a small child, or an adult or an old man, so there is a need for prevention and awareness, so that it can be prevented from spreading further. .